The history and growth of Saint Anselm's Parish is really a reflection in miniature of the city of Los Angeles and of the Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. In 1924 the population of Los Angeles was about 600,000. Due to the migration of Angelenos toward the ocean, John J. Cantwell, Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles-San Diego, saw the need for another parish on the Westside. So in November, 1924, he formally established St. Anselm Parish. However, it was not until almost a year later, October 22nd, 1925, at the Diocesan Council Meeting, that Reverend James Morris was appointed its first pastor. On November 3, Father Morris met with a group of parishioners at the home of Fred Welker, 1959 West 77th Street, to form the first parish organization. From this metting we have the names of the first Altar Society members: Mrs. Paul Dunn, President; Mrs. John McNamee, Vice-President; Mrs. Henry Hannon, Secretary. The first parish Mass was celebrated in the dining room of the rectory. The congregation was small, as the combined living and dining rooms could only accommodate about 30 people.
During the early years of parish operation, baptisms and marriages took place in neighboring Saint Brigid Church. The first baptismal record of the new Saint Anselm Parish was recorded on January 17th, 1926, when Marvin Emile LeBlanc was baptized by Father Thomas Fleming. The first wedding took place on November 9th, 1927 between Henry Archie Bryan and Norah Maud Kehaly.
Father Morris formulated plans for a new church but, due to illness, was unable to carry them out. In 1926 Reverend Patrick J. Concannon was appointed to succeed Father Morris as pastor of Saint Anselm's. At this time there were 200 families in the parish. Father Concannon erected a Tudor Gothic Church with a seating capacity of 420. Emmet G. Martin was the architect. The bell was donated by Basil Malone. On November 18th, 1926, Reverend Thomas Stack was appointed to succeed Father Concannon as Pastor. Father Concannon was transferred to the newly created Holy Spirit Parish, Los Angeles.
On December 10th, 1926, Father Stack celebrated the first Mass in the newly-completed St. Anselm's Church. The church was dedicated June 26th, 1927, by Bishop Cantwell. In 1928 Reverend Roger O'Shea became the next pastor of Saint Anselm's. Father O'Shea directed the spiritual and material activities of the parish through the trying years of the Depression. Though short on funds, the people of Saint Anselm's were not short on generosity of their time and efforts, for through their voluntary laborlabor a spacious parish hall came into being. On December 29th, 1936, Reverend Martin McNichols was appointed Pastor. It was during his administration that a parochial school was erected. The school was dedicated by Archbishop Cantwell on November 28th 1937. On June 19th, 1943, a new Pastor was appointed. Reverend John K. Clark, the young director of Confraternity of Christian doctrine and founder of the newly-established Borromeo Guild. Bookstore. In November, 1945 Pope Pius XII elevated Father Clark to the rank of Papal Chamberlain with the title of Monsignor. All of the former pastors James Morris, Patrick Concannon, Roger O'Shea, and Martin McNicholas are now gone to their Eternal reward. In 1947. The old Hall was moved to St. Francis Cabrini Parish to make room for a new school building. In 1950, the rectory was completed . As she progressed through her second 25 years, St.Anselm Parish saw steady growth. It became apparent that the church could no longer accommodate the people since the church's capacity was only 420 persons, the 9 a.m. Sunday mass had to be held simultaneously in both church and Hall and at the 12 pm mass there was standing room only. So in 1955 Monsignor Clarke announced to his parishioners plans for the construction of a new church with attached Library. In early 1956 the old church was razed, and construction for the new Church begin. During construction, Mass was celebrated in the Parish Hall. For uniformity of design. The architectural theme was the same for the school, hall and rectory and in keeping with early California culture: the warm beautiful styling of Spanish mission. The church seats 900 people and was built at a cost of $300,000 excluding the altar or any of the furnishings. On February 9, 1958, the new church was solemnly blessed by his Eminence, James Francis Cardinal McIntyre.
Since its dedication, the church has had a few additions for enhancement as a place of worship. The church bells were installed in the tower. They were blessed in an official ceremony in 1966. There was an imported German pipe organ, a magnificent instrument with 1144 pipes, 14 stops, and 19 ranks. Solemnly Blessed on February 19th 1967. In 1970 the Altar and Sanctuary were remodeled according to the directives of the second Vatican Council, so that mass could be celebrated with the priest faceing the people. A mosaic was installed above the altar, a dove, symbol of God the Holy Spirit. On October 24th 1965 a Shrine of our Blessed Mother was solemnly dedicated and blessed. A beautiful scale model replica of The Grotto in Lourdes, where Mary appeared to Saint Bernadette. Characteristic of Saint Anselm's parishioners has been the generosity of their labor in improving the facilities of the parish.
Christ is our guide and he is present in the church at all times waiting for you, ready to listen to you, ready to console, ready for you to visit him as a friend. " Come to me, all who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon your shoulders and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart."