• 8am (English Mass)
• 5pm (English) Vigil Mass.
• 9:00am (English Mass)
• 12pm noon (Spanish Mass)
8am (English) *As announced in bulletin
• will be on Saturdays from 4pm to 4:50pm.
• Monday thru Friday, 9a.m. to 2p.m.
• 8am (Misa en inglés)
• 5pm (inglés) Misa de vigilia.
• 9:00 am (Misa en inglés)
• 12pm del mediodía (Misa en español)
7PM ((Español) *Como se anuncie en el boletin
• serán los sábados de 4pm a 4:50pm.
• Lunes a Viernes de 9a.m. a 2p.m.
The recent fires have impacted many in our communities. Archbishop José Gomez has shared the following message with our
Catholic community of faith in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles:
“Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through Southern California. My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires!”
Our Archdiocese news magazine, Angelus News, is also providing updates and coverage which will be included in this page and on, as well as on our social channels @LACatholics and @AngelusNews.
We are currently in the process of assessing the damage and impact of the fires on our parishes and schools. Please report any damage at a parish or school due to the fires to the dedicated phone line for Archdiocesan-wide emergencies at (213) 637-7777 or via email at [email protected]. Also please share any information on parish or school locations that may be serving as shelters or providing services and resources to fire victims.
The Archdiocese is also creating a special dedicated fund to be used directly to support parishes and schools impacted by the fires. A link will be available at for all who wish to donate.
Due to evacuations and other factors affecting those in the fire areas, some Catholic school locations have closed. Schools in evacuation zones will remain closed during the evacuation orders. It is recommended to check with your local Catholic school for closures and to visit the following webpage which has all the information on evacuations areas in California,
Let us continue to unite in prayer for all who have been impacted by the fires and for the firefighters, police, first responders and volunteers who are on the front lines and providing help and shelter for our brothers and sisters who are in the affected communities.
May Our Lady Queen of Angels keep our Archdiocese under the mantel of her protection.
Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
Archdiocese of Los Angeles
The collection of clothing, food,
water, and other needed items can be difficult to collect, store, transport and distribute so we ask you to please refer people to the Archdiocese special dedicated fund to be used directly to support parishes and schools impacted by the fires. A link can be found here for all who wish to donate.
• Tercer Sabado del mes a las 10:30 am excepto durante Cuaresma y Adviento (Se requiere un aviso de 2 meses)
• Las Registraciones comienzan en Agosto.
• Llame a la oficina para una cita o en caso de emergencia.
En caso de Emergencia llame al: (213)949-0890
• Observe todas las consideraciones generales mencionadas anteriormente junto con las precauciones de salud pública sensatas.
PROGRAMAS DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA • Puede regresar al campus. Tenga en cuenta que hay requisitos separados para los estudiantes mientras están en el campus.
REUNIONES COMUNITARIASTogether in Mission is the Annual Appeal of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles which strives to sustain and support Catholic education and faith in our poorest parish communities. We provide essential resources and ministries that enrich parish life, strengthen families, advance Church teachings, and inspire and educate generations of our faith for the future.
Thank you for your generous support and special gift!
The Together in Mission Team
Juntos en Misión es la Campaña Anual de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles que se esfuerza por sostener y apoyar la educación y la fe católica en nuestras comunidades parroquiales más pobres. Proporcionamos recursos y ministerios esenciales que enriquecen la vida parroquial, fortalecen a las familias, promueven las enseñanzas de la Iglesia e inspiran y educan a generaciones de nuestra fe para el futuro.
¡Gracias por su generoso apoyo y regalo especial!
El equipo Juntos en Misión